
How to Manage & Scale an E-commerce Business

E-commerce business management isn’t simply about setting up an online store. It encompasses many tasks, from strategic planning to website maintenance, from marketing initiatives to order fulfillment

In this ever-changing landscape, you’ll wear many hats as an E-commerce merchant. Each day could bring new challenges, whether it’s a site crash, a sudden surge in orders, or a need to pivot your e-commerce marketing strategy

But the rewards? They can be plenty, given the Philippines’ E-commerce sector’s enormous growth potential.

Effective business operations are not just a ‘nice to have’ but a ‘must-have’ as it directly affects your bottom line. They enhance customer experience, drive revenue, and lay the groundwork for future growth. So we’re listing down the top tips to help you manage and scale your E-commerce business in the Philippines.

1. E-commerce Business Planning

It all starts with a solid plan.

Crafting a Comprehensive Business Plan

Your business plan is your roadmap to success. It should outline your business’s core concept, product range, target audience, marketing strategy, and financial projections.

It’s not just a document; it’s your guide, helping you anticipate challenges and prepare for growth.

Making Projections and Setting Goals

An essential part of your business plan is setting realistic projections and goals. These give you a clear vision of where you’re headed and keep you focused. Projections could include expected revenue, customer acquisition costs, and profit margins.

Remember, when setting goals, adhere to the SMART framework—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

Reaching New Markets through Other Platforms or Sales Channels

If you want to scale your E-commerce business, don’t limit yourself to your own website. There’s a world of sales channels out there, from online marketplaces like Lazada and Shopee to social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

However, each channel comes with its unique requirements, so it’s crucial to research and choose what best aligns with your business goals.

Related: How to do Market Research for E-commerce

2. Product Management

The cornerstone of any successful E-commerce venture is a robust product management strategy. Your products, after all, are what your customers come for.

Product Sourcing and Selection

In E-commerce, finding the right products to sell is half the battle. You could source products in several ways, such as direct manufacturing, wholesale purchases, or dropshipping.

When selecting products, consider your target audience and market demand. The quality of your products can make or break your reputation. 

Managing Product Listings

Once you have your products, it’s time to create compelling product listings. Each listing should include high-quality images, a compelling product description, and essential product details. These are the basics if you want to effectively scale your E-commerce business.

Your listings are your digital salespersons. Make sure they’re doing a great job of showcasing your products.

Inventory Management

Effective inventory management ensures you have the right amount of stock at the right time. It’s a delicate balance. If you stock too little, you risk losing sales. Stock too much, and you’re tied up with warehousing costs.

You can use tools like inventory management software to keep track of stock levels, sales, orders, and deliveries. As you grow, managing inventory efficiently will become even more crucial to maintaining a smooth operation and happy customers.

3. Maintaining and Optimizing your E-commerce Website

Your E-commerce site isn’t just your online storefront—it’s your digital handshake with customers. Here’s how you keep it in tip-top shape.

Keeping the Website Design User-Friendly and Updated

Your website design should be inviting and easy to navigate. Make sure your products are easy to find and that the purchase process is seamless. 

Moreover, you should regularly update your website. This could mean refreshing the design, updating product listings, or adding new features. A fresh, up-to-date site shows customers that you’re an active, engaged seller.

Implement On-Site SEO Strategies

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is all about making your website easy to find on search engines like Google. When done right, SEO can be a powerful traffic driver, which is an important factor if you want to scale your E-commerce business.

SEO could include keyword research, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks to your website. 

Ensuring Mobile Responsiveness and Site Speed

Your website needs to look good and perform well not just on desktops, but on mobile devices too. 

According to a 2022 Akamai study, a delay of just one second in page load time can lead to a 7% loss in conversions.

4. E-commerce Marketing and Sales Strategies

Just like a brick-and-mortar store, you need a solid marketing and sales strategy to scale your E-commerce business. Here’s how to craft one.

Building a Digital Marketing Plan

A digital marketing plan is your playbook for reaching and engaging potential customers online. It should outline your marketing goals, the strategies you’ll use to achieve them, and how you’ll measure your success.

Your plan could include email marketing, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, PPC advertising, and more. 

SEO and PPC Marketing

We’ve already touched on SEO, which helps your website rank higher in search engine’s organic results. But what about PPC (Pay-Per-Click)? PPC ads are a form of online advertising where you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.

Both SEO and PPC are vital for increasing your online visibility. Thus, a well-executed SEO and PPC strategy can be a powerful traffic and sales driver for your e-commerce business.

Social Media Marketing and Influencer Collaborations

Social media is a vital marketing channel that can help you easily scale your E-commerce business. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok allow you to engage with your customers, showcase your products, and drive traffic to your site.

Another effective strategy is collaborating with influencers—people who have a strong following on social media. 

5. Pricing and Sales

Here’s how to make pricing and sales strategy work for your business.

Developing a Pricing Strategy

Your pricing strategy is about more than just covering costs and making a profit. It should also consider factors like customer demand, competitive landscape, and your overall business objectives.

You might opt for a cost-plus pricing strategy, value-based pricing, or competitive pricing, depending on your products and market. 

Sales Promotions and Discounts

Sales promotions and discounts can be a powerful tool for attracting customers and boosting sales. However, use them judiciously to avoid conditioning your customers to wait for deals.

Flash sales, seasonal discounts, and buy-one-get-one-free offers are all popular tactics. 

Cross-Selling and Up-Selling Techniques

Cross-selling involves offering customers products that complement their current purchase, while up-selling encourages customers to buy a more expensive version of the item they’re considering.

Both techniques can increase your average order value. 

The key to success in developing pricing models and sales strategies is understanding your customers’ needs and your market dynamics. Stay flexible and adjust your strategies as necessary to keep driving growth.

6. Customer Service and Retention

Excellent customer service can set your E-commerce business apart. It can turn first-time buyers into loyal customers and even brand ambassadors. 

Developing a Customer Retention Strategy

Retaining customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. 

A strong customer retention strategy might include loyalty programs, personalized emails, and regular customer feedback surveys. Remember, a happy customer is a returning customer.

Managing Customer Feedback, Queries, and Complaints

Handling customer queries and complaints effectively is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction. This might involve providing timely responses, offering effective solutions, and always showing empathy to the customer’s situation.

Treat it as an opportunity to show your customers how much you care.

Handling Return and Refund Requests Effectively

Even the best e-commerce businesses get return and refund requests. The key is to handle them efficiently and fairly. Make sure your return and refund policies are clear and easily accessible.

By valuing your customers, responding effectively to their needs, and making their shopping experience as positive as possible, you can build a loyal customer base and drive sustainable growth.

7. Order Fulfillment

Order fulfillment is the engine that drives customer satisfaction. Here’s what you need to know about it.

Understanding the Order Fulfillment Process

Order fulfillment involves the entire process from receiving an order to delivering it to the customer’s doorstep. This includes order processing, picking and packing, shipping, and sometimes handling returns. 

Selecting the Right Order Fulfillment Strategy

Your fulfillment strategy can be a major factor in your business’s success. There are three common approaches:

  • Self-fulfillment: You handle all aspects of fulfillment in-house.
  • Third-party logistics (3PL): You outsource fulfillment to a 3PL provider.
  • Dropshipping: The product manufacturer or wholesaler fulfills orders on your behalf.

Managing Order Fulfillment Speed and Accuracy

Speed and accuracy in order fulfillment are crucial. Quick, accurate deliveries can enhance customer satisfaction, while delays or mistakes can damage your reputation.

To manage this, consider using order fulfillment software, which can automate parts of the process, reducing errors and speeding up delivery. 

Selecting Shipping Options and Providers

Different customers have different shipping preferences. Some prioritize speed, while others focus on cost. Offering a range of shipping options can meet these varied needs and boost customer satisfaction.

When selecting a shipping provider, consider factors such as their delivery speed, coverage area, and reliability. 

Managing Shipping Costs and Timelines

Shipping costs and timelines can significantly impact your customer’s shopping experience and your bottom line. It’s essential to find a balance between affordable, fast shipping and maintaining profitability.

Offering free shipping can be a powerful incentive for customers, but be sure to absorb these costs elsewhere to protect your margins. 

Handling Returns and Refunds

When handling returns, make the process as straightforward as possible for the customer. This might involve providing prepaid return labels and ensuring refunds are processed promptly.

Keep these tips in mind to optimize your shipping and delivery process. Delivering the right product at the right time can make all the difference.

8. Payment Systems

The customer’s trust starts with their money, and safeguarding it should be your top priority.

Setting Up Secure Payment Gateways

A payment gateway processes credit card details securely, and it’s an essential part of your e-commerce platform. 

Choose a gateway with robust security measures, such as SSL encryption and PCI-DSS compliance. Examples include PayPal, PayMongo, DragonPay, and 2Checkout.

Managing Transaction Fees

Almost all payment gateways charge per-transaction fees. These costs can eat into your profits, so it’s important to understand them. 

Consider these fees when setting your prices, and explore different gateways to find the most cost-effective option for your business.

Handling Chargebacks and Disputes

Chargebacks occur when a customer disputes a charge with their bank, leading to the reversal of a transaction. Chargebacks can be costly and damaging to your reputation.

To prevent them, provide excellent customer service, accurate product descriptions, and clear return policies. 

9. Data Analysis and Reporting

Leveraging data effectively can significantly improve your e-commerce business’s performance. Let’s break down how to do this.

Setting Up E-commerce Analytics

E-commerce analytics allows you to track and understand your customer’s behavior. Tools like Google Analytics, for example, can help you measure visitor data, track sales, and understand your audience better.

Start by setting up tracking for key metrics, such as web traffic sources, sales conversions, and customer behavior.

Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are vital metrics that indicate the performance of your e-commerce business. Typical e-commerce KPIs include conversion rate, average order value, and customer acquisition cost.

Regularly monitoring and analyzing these KPIs can help you spot opportunities for improvement and growth.

Making Data-Driven Decisions

Once you’ve gathered and analyzed your data, use it to inform your business decisions. 

For example, if your data shows a high cart abandonment rate, consider optimizing your checkout process. If a particular product is selling well, consider promoting it more or using it in upselling.

By leveraging data effectively, you can optimize your strategies and drive your business towards greater success. 

10. E-commerce Security

A secure e-commerce site builds trust with customers, protecting both their data and your business. Implementing robust security measures is not only ethical, but it’s also a sound business practice.

Data Protection and Privacy Policies

Data protection refers to safeguarding important information from corruption, compromise, or loss. The privacy policy should explain what data you collect and how you use it, fulfilling legal requirements and building customer trust.

Handling Cyber Threats and Fraud

Handling cyber threats requires a proactive approach. Install firewalls, use secure payment gateways, and regularly update and patch your systems. Regularly train your staff about phishing and other cyber threats.

Implement fraud detection software that uses machine learning algorithms to detect suspicious activity.

The trust of your customers is the cornerstone of your e-commerce business, and securing their data is a sure way to earn it.

11. Scaling Your E-commerce Business

In the final stages of your E-commerce journey, you’ll be looking to grow. Let’s see how that’s done.

Identifying Opportunities for Growth

If you want to scale your E-commerce business, you have to increase your capacity to generate more revenue. The first step is identifying growth opportunities. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Trends to analyze customer behavior and market trends. 

Managing Increased Product Demand

As you scale your E-commerce business, you’ll likely see an increase in product demand. The key to managing this is improving your inventory management processes. Implement a real-time inventory management system and consider partnering with third-party logistics providers to keep up with the demand. 

Expanding to New Markets

Expanding to new markets can provide a significant boost to your sales. Research potential product categories and markets carefully, consider cultural differences, language barriers, and local regulations. 

With the right strategies and tools, you can take your e-commerce business to new heights.

Final Thoughts: Business Operation Checklist for E-commerce

  1. Choose the Right E-commerce Platform: Assess your business needs and select an e-commerce platform that suits your requirements best. Consider factors like ease of use, scalability, security features, and cost.
  2. Prioritize User Experience: Ensure that your website or app is intuitive and easy to navigate. Load times should be fast, and the checkout process should be straightforward.
  3. Optimize Product Listings: Your product descriptions and images should be high-quality and informative. Make use of SEO techniques to make your products more visible on search engines.
  4. Implement Secure Payment Methods: Customers should be able to choose from a variety of secure payment options. This includes credit cards, PayPal, and other digital payment methods.
  5. Set Competitive Pricing: Research your market and set competitive prices. Remember to also consider factors like shipping and taxes in your pricing strategy.
  6. Ensure Excellent Customer Service: Provide prompt and helpful customer service. This includes managing returns and refunds efficiently, as well as addressing customer queries and complaints.
  7. Manage Inventory Efficiently: Keep track of your stock levels to prevent overstocking or understocking. Use inventory management software if necessary.
  8. Leverage Digital Marketing: Make use of SEO, paid social media marketing, email marketing, and other digital marketing strategies to reach your target audience.
  9. Monitor Performance with Analytics: Use e-commerce analytics to monitor your store’s performance. This includes tracking sales, customer behavior, and website traffic.
  10. Stay Legally Compliant: Make sure you’re aware of and comply with all relevant laws and regulations. This includes data protection laws and tax regulations.
  11. Implement an Efficient Fulfillment Process: Choose a fulfillment method that suits your business model and ensures prompt delivery. This could be self-fulfillment, third-party logistics, or dropshipping.
  12. Plan for Scalability: As your business grows, you’ll need to be able to scale your operations effectively. This could involve expanding to new markets, investing in new technology, or hiring more staff.
  13. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: The e-commerce industry is ever-evolving, so keep learning, stay updated with the latest trends, and be flexible to adapt as necessary.

Need help in scaling your online business in the Philippines? Sign up with Payo today or send us an email at [email protected].